Code To Text Ratio Checker
This tool will check the page's source code to calculate the size and proportion of pages of text. Please enter the URL of the page you want to check in the box below and click on the "Check Now" button.
How It Works?
Text rate represents the actual text content (excluding HTML tags, CSS, and JavaScript) pages percentage. It is an important factor in the search engine of the shelf. Alexa has a higher rank higher text code in SERP.
Use this tool to calculate the page code than text. More than 10% of the text code rate is considered good.
What is the code text ratio?
Code text rate represents a percentage of the text on a particular page. The tool will extract all the text in a paragraph on the page, as well as anchor text from the HTML code, so it can be calculated and you can get the content ratio.
Code text ratio is important for search engine optimization purposes
Relevance is computed page through a search engine and spiders than the text by using code to do. Text pages might be more likely to have a higher page rank when they have a high ratio of code. With a higher proportion of code to the text will give you a leg of the race, when it comes to site optimization. Not all search engines use the text code than in their algorithm, but it is likely to play a role in the majority.