Google Pagerank Checker
This tool can help you check your website's Pagerank, every web page URL in your site may have different Pagerank. Enter your web page URL you want to check in the box below. Make sure that each URL must be on a single line. Finally, click the "Check Now" button to start checking.
How It Works?
Google PageRank Checker is a use Google to judge and measure the relevance and importance of the tools of the page. Quality pages receive a higher PageRank which directly enhance the search results on its top position. A link to the tool's analysis of algorithms, it points to a link to a website or web page that provides links to the mass of the height of these sites. Box measures from 0 - 10 where 0 is the least important and 10 being the most important. If you want to find a site PageRank, it is better to check with multiple embedded URL on the same page, but only to check the site on its home page.
Buy links or offending Web site, point your site will result in penalties or sometimes even get blocked from search results. Quality of the reverse structure will automatically improve search engine rankings.