Online Url Encoder / Decoder
This tool helps you to encode and decode URL parameter, enter your URL parameter or parameter encoded into the box below, click on the "Check Now" button to submit.
How It Works?
How one of the many challenges faced by web developers is to deal with differences between different browsers. These differences cause problems URL performance areas: for example, some browsers allow file name contains spaces, some are not. Most browsers do not think the file name contains the symbol "#" would have any particular meaning; but in a URL, the symbol "#" indicates that the file name is over, immediately followed by a fragment (part) identifier. Other special characters, non-alphanumeric character set, which in the URL or another browser has its own special meaning, expressed similar problems. To solve these problems, we use the characters in the URL must be an ASCII character set character set fixed elements, as follows:
1. uppercase: A-Z
2. lowercase: a-z
3. number: 0-9
4. punctuation: ! - _ ~ * '(and,)
Characters such as:? / & @ #; $ + = And% can also be used, but they have their own special use, if a file name includes these characters (? / & @ #; $ + =%), These characters and all other characters should be encoded.
Coding process is very simple, as long as not any character ASCII code numbers, letters, or punctuation previously mentioned, they will be converted into byte form, each byte is written in this form: a "%" followed by two digit hexadecimal values. Space is a special case, because they are too common. In addition it is encoded as "% 20" outside, it can be encoded as a "+." Plus sign (+) itself is encoded as% 2B. When to Use When / # = & and? As part of the name to use, rather than as a delimiter between URL part, they should be coded.